LAHRS Congress 2022

After two years of social distancing, important to contain the spread of COVID-19, finally it’s time to resume face-to-face activities!

The return will be in great style: as on other occasions, our Society will hold the Congress together with a large national scientific society of specialty. As one of the most important, because of the number of colleagues and because of the great scientific production, this year the face-to-face Congress will be in Brazil, along with SOBRAC!

LAHRS board, as well as the Scientific Committee, is working hard and developing a scientific program that includes members of associated societies, such as the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), SOMEEC, SADEC, Colombian College of Electrophysiology, among others.

We hope that you join us in this experience and that together we can build a great event.

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Marcio Figueiredo
LAHRS President

Ulises Rojel

Nestor López Cabanillas

Sebastian Massaferro