World Arrhythmia Awareness Day

#PulseDay is the World Day of Awareness about arrhythmias

It was launched by the sister scientific societies EHRA, LAHRS, HRS and APHRS

It is a global initiative with the aim of raising awareness about the different arrhythmias. The day aims to inspire the population to take simple but high-impact steps in caring for their hearts, such as being informed about their heart rhythm, monitoring their pulse regularly and seeking medical advice when an irregular pulse is detected.

This annual campaign is carried out every March 1st around the world.

We invite all health professionals to join and collaborate in educating our patients and the general community in taking the pulse, in order to improve the detection of the different cardiac arrhythmias.

Cardiac arrhythmias are a growing public health problem worldwide. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, with an increasing prevalence, reaching 59 million cases in 2019.

We share educational videos where we teach you how to control your pulse and a kit with promotional material to help educate our patients.

More information HERE